EduCATe – Non violent conflict management for teachers

EDUCATE is a 3-year project funded by the European Commission. Its objective is to promote a culture of peace and nonviolence through teacher training.

Six partners from all over Europe got together : the University of Gotheborg in Sweden, the Autonomous University of Barcelona in Spain, the Evens Foundation in Belgium, the Center for Peace, Nonviolence and Human Rights of Osijek in Croatia, the Psychopedagogical Center for Peace in Italy and the Coordination for education to peace and nonviolence in France. They aim to create a teacher’s training program in nonviolent conflict resolution, and establish a European network of actors in nonviolent conflict management.

After meeting in Warsaw, Poland, during a learning lab on the promotion of conflict management in education organised by the Evens Foundation, six European partner organisations formed a transnational team with the intention to develop the intensity of their collaboration by combining each and everyone’s excellence in constructive and nonviolent conflict management. This led to the EduCATe project for European nonviolent Conflict management for educators : Advocacy and Training. In July 2015, the Erasmus+ Agency approved the project to receive funds from the European Commission.

Click here to visit the EduCATe website.

EduCATe - Foto di gruppo dei Partner


Coordination pour l’Éducation à la Non­violence et à la Paix

The Coordination pour l’éducation à la non­violence et à la paix has been created in 2000 as the Coordination française pour la Décennie (2001­-2010). It is a non­profit organisation focused on the promotion of education for nonviolence and peace in France. Its national network includes 85 French national organisations and 130 personalities in its activites.

Evens Foundation

The Evens Foundation aims to contribute towards a European reality committed to the values of diversity, freedom, responsibility and solidarity. The Evens Foundation is a public-benefit foundation started as a family endeavour in 1990. Its founders, Irène Evens-Radzyminska and Georges Evens, established it because of their commitment to the European project. Born in Poland, they witnessed the troubled history of the Second World War that tore the continent apart. Forced to leave their country of birth, they found a new home in Belgium.

Department Of Education And Special Education Of The University Of Gothenburg

The Department of Education and Special Education is one of the four departments of the Faculty of Education, University of Gothenburg. The department runs stimulating research projects and higher education courses within education and special education. Several of the staff members of the department are specialized in value education and are competent in working with conflict resolution in schools as well as with fundamental values, equal treatment and norm-critical pedagogy.

CPP – Psycho-pedagogical Center for education and conflict management

CPP (Psycho-pedagogical Center for Peace and Conflict Management) was founded by the pedagogist Daniele Novara in 1989. Based in Italy (Piacenza and Milan) is a training center specialized in the processes of change and learning in situations of conflict.

The CPP’s working method is based on Maieutics: the ability to discover the internal resources present in everyone to find out what they need to stay in conflicts. It is possible to learn to stay in conflicts rather than fear and avoid them. Good confrontational competence is the main antidote to violence.

For children aged 2 to 11, Daniele Novara has developed the “Litigare Bene” (Arguing Well) method that helps children manage problems without the intervention of adults. This method, applied in infant-toddler centres, preschools and primary schools, allows children to learn conflictual skills that are useful for life.

Escola de Cultura de Pau

The Escola de Cultura de Pau is a peace research centre based at the Autonomous University of Barcelona. Its peace education program has been involved in teacher training for more than ten years, advocating for comprehensive measures of conflict transformation at schools (through contents, methodologies, rules, sanctions, participation mechanisms…).

Center For Peace Nonviolence And Human Rights – Osijek

Centre for Peace, Nonviolence and Human Rights – Osijek was established in 1992 with an aim of contributing to building of sustainable peace and strengthening of the culture of nonviolence in the war-torn region. The Centre for Peace has been dealing with human rights violation in its own community, psychosocial support to the wounded and preparing the grounds for the peaceful return of displaced persons and refugees.